
Sunday, January 29, 2012

NattyJane's Variation

I've gotten quite a few messages lately asking how to make my dress variation from The BurdaStyle Sewing Handbook, so I think it's about time to put together a tutorial!

I made my dress over a year ago and I'm kicking myself for not taking more notes as I worked, but I still have all the pattern pieces and should be able to figure it out. So please stay tuned, a tutorial will be in the works soon!


  1. I dont own the Handbook but I skimmed through it today at the bookstore. I saw that dress and said something out loud like, "OoH cute!" but didn't realize it was yours! Looking forward to a possible tutorial.

  2. This is a very cute dress, I look forward to hearing more about this!

  3. Hooray! That's the one I've been longing to make! Glad so many other readers felt the same way. :)

  4. Yes! Yours is too cute-- I love the collar and button placket!

  5. Yay! Your dress is so cute and was my reason for buying the book!

  6. how exciting, you're is one of my favorites!

  7. Looking forward to the tutorial. I loved your dress!
