Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21

I've been having some phun with phelt (aka fun with felt) this weekend. Felt is extra fun to work with because you don't have to finish the edges and it looks great stitched with embroidery thread. I've found quite a few wonderful felt creation tutorials on the web recently and decided it was time to have a go.
Both tutorials are from The Purl Bee, which is a pretty blog with tons of project ideas. The first project that I worked on was the rose barrettes. The roses make nice barrettes, but I think I may brainstorm some more ideas for their use.

The second project that I worked on was the New Year's Garland made of felt circles sewn with invisible thread. I thought that a garland would be perfect for decoration above my new work table that my mom found free on the street.

In other news, I've been spending my evening watching the men working outside my house. A water line broke turning the sidewalk into a river and now they're digging down to fix the problem. The tomboy in me has always loved watching construction equipment.
I hope your Sunday evening is a lot more quiet than mine!